Sunday, February 10, 2013

Thorns Among the Beauty

I took this picture this morning after passing the Wild Sage for at least the 100th time. It's growing right at the top of my driveway, pushing its beautiful burst of color and tender leaves up through the cactus. Have I mentioned how much I abhor cactus? To me, cactus represents something dark, thorny, painful, even dangerous. Have you ever landed on cactus? My son did and it wasn't pretty. Pliers were needed to pull the barbs out. He was a trooper and as most teenage boys go, even though it was painful he had the "dude did you see that?" reaction! Well let me tell you that would most definitely not be mine.

So I've passed this spot over and over again and I always turn to look at it because the bright purple is so eye catching. I was thinking how beautiful that would look properly planted in my garden and that I really should come rescue this beautiful plant from its choking surroundings of horrible cactus. You know, water it and nurture it. And then it hit me. 

Its a picture of L.I.F.E.

This life that you and I are right smack in the middle of. I thought about my own life's journey and how many times all I could see was cactus all around me. There was no beautiful pop of eye catching purple anywhere to be found. And I desperately wanted to see it because quite simply it provided hope, beauty and rest. And I believe to my inner most being we all need that in our lives. 

But this crazy thing called life that we are all navigating has a way of taking us places we never dreamed of. Sometimes its to that beautiful place of rest in the gardens of life and sometimes its a place that leaves us thirsting in the desert and feeling all alone. 

I certainly don't profess to have any idea why life is that way, I just know that it is and it stinks to be thirsty. All I can say is I try really hard to look for the Wild Sage when I'm stuck amongst the cactus and thorns. Its not an easy task at all but I refuse to be choked out by life's cactus. It helps to write love notes to myself and yes that may sound a bit cheesy but life is just hard so we must have perspective. So if you've never written a love note to yourself, I've written one for you:

Dear Beautiful Girl,
This life is hard but you are stronger than you know. And at times you may doubt that, but you are like a beautiful Wild Sage that grows even where there is no beauty. Others stop and see you every day and marvel at you. They see your tender beauty amongst life's cactus and they are grateful. Take time for yourself and be good to yourself because you are so worth it! 

Go Be Beautiful!

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