Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Day I Learned How To Fly

It wasn't that long ago that I decided it was time to do what makes my heart sing and my soul fly but I didn't act on it right away. Have you ever figured out just what "that thing" is that would really bring you joy but held off for no other reason than being afraid you might do it and then be disappointed? And really when you say it just like that it doesn't make on bit of sense does it?

I suppose it took me a bit longer than some to take the leap from the safety of my comfy nest. After all there was so many other things that needed my attention. You know the routines of laundry, homework, driving my minivan cab, cooking,I already have my own business that has its demands and oops forgot the milk and the list just goes on and on. When is there time to daydream abut something and execute a  well thought out plan? But yet, that nagging desire was in the back of my mind.

Let me ask you something, have you ever been lost and drove in a circle passing the sign, the big "this way" sign and missed it until about the umpteenth time you passed it. Yeah I did that. And then because of one little thing a mentor said to me I decided, after sitting on the edge of the nest completely terrified of heights, to take flying lessons and here I am.

If you are dreaming of doing "that thing" that makes your heart sing sweet girl, take flying lessons. You may have trouble with your landing gear but that's ok. You will never be the same. Because the truth is we all have to leave the nest and do what makes our hearts sing. Those precious dreams you have can only be dreamed by you. No one else can do "that thing" the way you can. So what are  you waiting for, come fly with me!!!

And it's perfectly ok if when you leap you squeeze your eyes tightly shut! 

Follow Your dreams, Anything IS Possible.

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